FERC Grants Conclusive Approval for Mountain Valley Pipeline

The much-litigated natural gas project is back on track after a pipeline rupture in May.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) granted approval for Equitrans Midstream Corp. to resume the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline, clearing the way for the completion of the contested natural gas pipeline. 

The FERC first approved the construction of the pipeline in 2015 but faced a myriad of lawsuits filed by environmentalists, state agencies, and the federal government, all concerned by leaks and land erosion along the 303-mile pipeline. After many court cases, Senator Joe Manchin ensured the legality of the pipeline by passing a legal rider for its approval along with the 2022 legislation that raised the federal debt ceiling.

The corporation originally estimated that the pipeline would be completed this year, but the pipeline ruptured on May 1, leading to delays and additional concerns from local residents. However, after reviewing the incident, FERC found that “Mountain Valley has adequately stabilized the areas disturbed by construction and that restoration and stabilization of the construction work area is proceeding satisfactorily.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Chair Willie Phillips as he oversees the FERC and authorizations of energy projects.
  • For wisdom for the commissioners in the FERC as they review and vote on federal energy regulations.

Sources: Politico, Reuters


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